
This month, Thread would like to feature our new coffee from Guatemala!

ape1  The APECAFORM (Asociación de Pequeños Caficultores Orgánicos Maya-Mames) cooperative is made up of approximately 400 members in 17 communities on the slopes of the volcano Tajumulco in the Southwestern Highlands San Marcos. Of their total production, 80% is sold through the Fair Trade market.  They export through an “second level cooperative” umbrella organization, Manos Campesinas, which acts similar to our relationship with Cooperative Coffees (our importing cooperative).

ape2Pictured to the right is APECAFORM socio Ernesto Perez, photos courtesy of Cooperative Coffees. (Click to see more photos from them!)

APECAFORM’s achievements due to direct fair trade sales include:
• Purchase of land and construction of a central warehouse in Malacatan
• Creation of a community fund to help finance their system of organic technicians and coordinators.

Their goals for the future:
• To construct a wet processing plant in each of the five community centers;
• To administer a timely credit fund capable of offering producers adequate pre-financing.
• To increase their membership

ape3And with that – we’re excited to  bring you a sweet, clean coffee with good acidity and body.

Fair Trade and Organic certified.

As always, we believe in transparency:
Trace this coffee’s documents at FairTradeProof.org


Fast Facts on APECAFORM

Founded: 1992, legalized under Guatemalan law in 1998.
Members – 400 producers
Harvest season: May to July
Coffee: Arabica, SHB Certified Organic by Mayacert-Oko Garantie
General Assembly between January and March

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