
Ugandan Gumutindo Peaberry

Located in the Mount Elgon region of Uganda, Gumutindo was formed in 1998 after the dismantling of Uganda’s coffee industry. The cooperative is a farmed-owned business made up of ten different “primary societies” that represent over 6,000 farmers, half of which are...

Colombian Fondo Paez

The Paez are the largest indigenous group in Colombia. Fondo Paez was created with the primary goal of recuperating traditional argicultural knowledge and indigenous culture, which had been buried by centuries of conflict and oppression. Thread Coffee brings you a...

Mexican Maya Vinic

The Cooperative Producers’ Union, Maya Vinic, is located in the highlands of southern Mexico. It was born out of the wider civil society “Las Abejas”, an organized response to the prevalent injustice in their communities and with the hope of promoting positive change...

Colombian Asoapía Microlot

Located in the mountains of the Cordillera Occidental, just at the edge of the country’s main “coffee region”, Apía is a rural agricultural community in the Colombian department of Risaralda. Their location is unique because it is situated next to...


Cascara is the dried skin of the fruit of the coffee cherry. This cascara is from a farmer in Risaralda, Colombia. It’s sweet and floral, similar to hibicus. It contains about a quarter the caffeine of coffee, and is brewed like a tea.
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